DNA Testing Information

If you are considering DNA testing and are unsure which company to test with or which test to take, it will be helpful for you to identify the purpose of your testing.

Y-DNA:  If you are male or you wish to know more about your family surname, you might be interested in Y-DNA.  Unfortunately, only a man (father or son) carries the y-chromosome.  If you are woman and are interested, ask a brother or uncle  if they are interested in learning more about their origin.

mtDNA:  This type of DNA is passed down to both male and female children from their mother.  It contains DNA information about the female relatives, above the mother.  (The mother, her mother, her mother’s mother etc.)

Autosomal DNA:  This type of DNA is what most ancestry websites use to help individuals discover cousins.  It includes matches on both the maternal and paternal sides of the family and will show relatives dating back five to eight generations.